Local Area Network. A group of computers and associated devices that share a common communications line.
vLight Emitting Diode.Lens Mount :
vThe area where a lens is mounted. There are two types; C- or CS-Mount.Lens Speed :
Optical speed, expressed by f-number. Smaller f-number means faster lens.
Linux :
An UNIX-like operating system. Very efficient and fast-performing system.
LL :
Line Lock mode
LNB (Low Noise Block Converter) :The part of satellite dish that hangs off of the arm and looks like a flashlight. It is what captures the digital signal from the satellite.
Lux :
Lumens per Square Meter; unit of illumination amount.
License Plate Recognition (LPR) :
Software that has the ability to read and store license plates on cars. It has the ability to count cars and when applied with a sensor, it can capture images of speeding cars or red-light violating cars.
Loop Through :
A feature in CCTV that enables transmission of video from one device to another through cables. Only available on devices that feature Video In and Video Out.
Luminance :
This refers to the part of a video signal that carries the monochrome information. i.e. brightness information.
Latching Relay :
A relay that when set (either ON or OFF depending upon the relay configuration), locks into place until reset either manually or by a signal.
The abbreviation for Liquid Crystal Display.
The abbreviation for Light Emitting Diode.
Line Drop :
The drop in voltage along a power line caused by the resistance, reactance, and/or leakage in the line's wires.
Lock Relay Output :
A relay on the controller that changes its state upon command by the controller, locking or unlocking a secure door.
Logging :
Creating and storing a permanent record of events that can be reviewed, printed, and analyzed.